Katarina Ana Nervosa

VIDEO, 20 MIN, 2008.

Katarina Ana Nervosa tells of Catherine Benincasa (Catherine of Siena), a fourteenth century saint who refrained from food, and Ana, a fictional present-day anorexic. The video consists of multi-layered spoken and sung vocals, still historical images, and still and moving images from present-day Siena in Italy, as well as Umeå in Sweden. Through a juxtaposition and interweaving of the narratives, the video seeks to present an analogy, while questioning the possibility of that analogy, and simultaneously broadening the anorexia-debate. The script is bilingual (English and Swedish), telling somewhat skewed versions of the stories. 

The premiere of Katarina Ana Nervosa took place at the Helena Elisabeth Church in Umeå, 2008 (documentation above). At that time the audio was presented with surround sound 5.1, and the visuals were shown on a small school-projection-screen.

Distributed by Filmform

Further listening/looking/reading:

The online text-sound composition A While Ago I Decided to Eat (2006) served as a form of pilot study to Katarina Ana Nervosa.
The spring of 2018 I was invited by the art magazine Paletten to respond to a text by philosopher Nina Power called "Towards a Feminism of the Void" / "Mot en tomhetens feminism." My response revolves around anorexia, the will to be nothing, and to become the abyss. Read the text here.